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AgOpenGPS - Really cheap autosteer
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Posted 1/1/2025 09:10 (#11035884 - in reply to #11035800)
Subject: RE: Impressive

Phainein7 - 1/1/2025 09:20

tedbear - 1/1/2025 06:33

what resources you have used to get to your level of understanding.

I think a more relevant question is has someone laid out the specifics on the "how to" for a plain Jane tractor? For an ISO setup, various factors would have to be considered, but I think a write-up is possible. I've only skimmed AgOpen site, but if this "to the point" information is available, it would be nice to know...any cite(s)?. Posts I've seen tend to drift off the topic with "my setup" too, and of course, with geekie speak.

The AgopenGps website is hard due to a couple factors. 1- people much smarter than me modify the system to fit their needs. You might start reading a thread only to realize someone is talking about their modification, not a normal mainline build. 2- The rapid development of the system. If you are reading a 3 or 4 year old thread, you are probably looking at 1-2 versions back on the program and 1-2 generations back on the steering hardware. 3- Lots of technical terms. At first it took me forever to read a thread on there as I had to constantly stop to google terms used.

I have a friend who is an engineer. I tried to talk him into building the system together, but it never worked schedule wise. I ended up diving in and figuring it out myself with some help from others on the AgopenGps discourse page.
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