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AgOpenGPS - Really cheap autosteer
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Posted 1/2/2025 08:55 (#11037457 - in reply to #11037408)
Subject: RE: Impressive

East Central, Nebraska
as i age it is becoming easier to admit i need a helper and i cannot do everything myselft anymore. this project is inspired by a story from a couple of years ago. i try and try to find good help but as it has been stated, good help is hard to find. a few years ago i had young 20 something 'professional' apply for a job for the summer. he had worked for other farmers he had said, which i learned meant that he thought he was an expert in his field. the first of many almost disasters we encountered was one of his first tasks of helping load the sprayer. i would love someday to be the guy that sits in the sprayer filling out spray sheets in the sprayer a/c while its filling and the tender guy is responsible for mixing but somehow i knew that was a bad idea. he was taught a few days before that i felt it was best to leave the flow meter on a daily running total. i would tell him to go to a certain number then shut it off. so tripleflex being a high use product i would say, go to 125 gallons where it had been shut off at 100. i felt that would allow us to know exactly at any point to see what was used up to that point that day and we could check to ensure proper usage by the marks we made on the 265 gallon tote that morning to ensure we were applying properly and also that the flow meter had not gotten off. for whatever reason on one of the last loads when i said 150 (or some other big number i forget now) he said sure thing boss and reset the meter to 0 and proceeded to go to 150. i believe that the sprayer was full before he got done pumping that one product is how we knew there was definitely a problem but that was a fun one to fix but as stated, the motivation for doing things better.
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