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Grain storage or drain tile
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Posted 1/3/2025 11:28 (#11039064 - in reply to #11038688)
Subject: RE: Grain storage or drain tile

Ron..NE ILL..10/48 - 1/3/2025 06:01

Does it depend on his ability to find an outlet however? We don't know where his outlet would be. Adjacent to his field? 1/2 mile away? 2 miles away through 4 neighbors?

It may be a problem depending on how flat his ground is. I know it's a problem in this part of NE IL.

Why is flat a problem? I've heard this before and I've never understood it? Everything thing i have is flat. Water runs downhill. You have your field well surveyed. Put your main in low enough so that Everything is running to it. Tiling a flat field is easy.
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