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Hay guys
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Posted 3/7/2025 22:20 (#11137817)
Subject: Hay guys

Seneca, IL

Currently row crop 400 acres in northern IL. Considering diving into growing hay. Would look at splitting about 200 acres hay and continue the remaining 200 in corn/beans. The hay ground would be large square well drained high PI ground with good fertility. I realize there are 1000 variables but let’s say you can get good high quality hay established, have a few knowledgeable people to help/advise, am close enough to the city to access that market, have plenty of equipment to transport/deliver, would it be worth the investment to dive in? Would need to buy or rent equipment, if buying would invest into not necessarily new but let’s say the right equipment to be efficient within reason, already have dry inside storage sitting on the 200 acres. This would be 100% to sell on the market not to feed. Aren’t many if any in my area that are doing large acreage of hay on good dirt, seems like a lot of efficiency would be had just in having it all together and not jumping around. Can grow 60+ bu beans and 225+ bu corn fairly consistently. Am I barking up the wrong tree? Just looking for others advice/experience/opinions. would need to decide if round or big square or small square or some combination would be best suited for my area and also what mix would be in demand. Thinking of ways to diversify and make my small acreage more viable long term.
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