South Central MN | I have seen setups where people invested in a round bale unroller that fed a small square baler and they made said small squares during the slow times under a shed roof, but that is an investment that needs to be considered and could take a while to pay off.
The operation I run with my sister doing cattle involves mostly round bales, but we do make some small squares (she calls them "idiot cubes" for reasons only we know) for times when the weather is bad and you can't even move a skid loader around the yard.
Horse hay market is going to be VERY picky. And many will try to get out of paying for that hay that is already delivered. No we don't do that... However do know of a guy that used to make lots of bales but quit since the sales hassle got to be too much.
Beef might be the least picky but at the same time I don't see them as willing to pay top dollar. Some breeds of cattle are rather good at turning lower quality forage into meat. | |