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Well looks like training is coming to voulenteer firehouse .
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Posted 3/8/2025 01:08 (#11137867 - in reply to #11137811)
Subject: RE: Well looks like training is coming to voulenteer firehouse .

East central Iowa
Tommy, I've looked at most of your posts and obviously your son is excited to be a firefighter/paramedic. I know nothing about that area.

But I'll share a quick story.
My son is a carpenter and is very good/skilled for the past 17 years. He worked with me since he could walk, and is 34 now. We were in partnersip for about 10 of those years. He now runs his own bussiness. He was young and going to so to speak "set the world on fire" with his better ability and knowlege for years. Dad was just ok, he was going to "Show me a thing or two".
Thats when the partnership ended before things got uncumfortable for either of us. (I've done carpentry and all building trades for 45 years as a bussiness).

Son/ Dad realationship more important than bussiness.

Funning thing is, over the last couple of years occasionally so he comes to me with questions/concerns and imput on a project he is doing. He even says, Thank You for showing him skills and how to not over think things.

HUMILITY is an amazing quality.

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