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Hay guys
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Posted 3/8/2025 06:41 (#11137950 - in reply to #11137817)
Subject: RE: Hay guys

McCanna, ND
Depends. It’s farming, but hay/livestock is a whole different game than row crop farming. Been putting up alfalfa for a few years now and finally just getting it figured out.

I sell my hay to cheap, but it’s people I like dealing with. Only person that’s stiffed me is a horse person who has a website saying how good their horses are and they are super trainers. Other horse people that inquired about my hay have said it has too much sugar for their horses. So I don’t deal with true horse people

Fair amount of guys are hanging the cattle business up with record high prices, that means they went from a potential buyer of hay to a potential seller of hay. Hay market is pretty soft right now in a fairly large area. Could change quick if weather stays dry.

IF you can grow dairy quality (190+ RFV) you can find a good market for it as supply is usually tight, but growing rocket fuel isn’t that easy I’ve found.
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