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Hay guys
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Posted 3/8/2025 08:05 (#11138047 - in reply to #11137994)
Subject: RE: Hay guys

McCanna, ND
Takes the same equipment to do 50ac as 500ac, one just requires more seat time. First year I put up hay we probably cut 1000ac of millet alone with a 16’ haybine, hired man would cut 80ac/day and just keep cutting until done. I raked in the morning for a few hours then started baling. Won’t bale 80ac/day of good alfalfa with one baler if going for optimal quality, but 40-60 is doable.

Haybine, carted Sitrex rake, 4x6 baler, and self loading trailer is all I use. I splurged on the self loading trailer for time efficiency and then hauling hay turns into a one man show.
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