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If you're a grandparent,
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Posted 3/8/2025 10:21 (#11138228 - in reply to #11137777)
Subject: RE: If you're a grandparent,

West of Mpls MN about 50 miles on Hwy 12
Where did the reluctance to fly come from?

We recently flew from MN to SWFL with our two and a half year old granddaughter for the first time with absolutely no issues...but she was pretty excited and fired up to fly so that she could pickup sea shells with her " best friend forever" "Mumma" (granddaughter's name for Grandma) and her two uncles.

We all spent a month getting our Granddaughter excited and fired up for the trip. We spent more time talking about how much fun going to the beach, the zoo, and seeing dolphins was going to be than the plane ride. Maybe she was concentrating more on the fun of the destination than fear of the flight?

Our granddaughter travels better with us than her parents no matter the mode of transportation for some reason...always has. Credit goes to "Mumma."

Edited by CMN 3/8/2025 10:31

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