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Drums of war
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Baby Bull
Posted 3/8/2025 17:52 (#11138766 - in reply to #11138742)
Subject: RE: Drums of war

NE Iowa
I agree. Europe cares about Europe and they don’t see Ukraine as something to defend. France, UK, Germany, Italy,…….they want the petroleum products Russia can supply. They don’t give a rats butt about anything else.

They all will do what’s advantageous to themselves. It’s the same as always. It’s why we had to fight and finish two world wars last century. They fail to take care of their own problems. Shoot, the only reason the Cold War didn’t erupt into a real war was the fact that the US was holding everything in balance over there. Without the US most of Europe would have fallen to communism just like a huge portion of Europe fell to Nazism.
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