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Hay guys
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Posted 3/8/2025 18:36 (#11138825 - in reply to #11138284)
Subject: RE: Hay guys

mercer county, il
“Here” especially with thin later cuttings when there’s not a lot there, if the alfalfa gets too dry, it’s really noticeable. Maybe some round balers are better, and maybe some operators are better, but we’ve done side by side tests, and if it’s super dry, the hay out of the big square baler tests better.

And I know, wait for dew, start baling earlier etc. some days that’s just not a realistic thing some days.

We have both, and if it seems like it’s gonna be crunchy dry, we usually go for the big square baler. But the good fine stuff is more likely to be sold as well, my cows eat the baleage and oops stuff.
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