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Drums of war
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Posted 3/9/2025 16:31 (#11140005 - in reply to #11139717)
Subject: RE: Everyone should watch this.

All that public money has been given to the war machine and to an actor who pretends to be a soldier but in reality is living the high life pretending to be a soldier while he sends his countrymen to die in battle. His image of being a brave man is like the ghost of Kiev. A great warrior that doesn’t exist in the real world. He is still very, very wealthy while he begs governments to give him the money of much poorer people in foreign countries. If he were a fraction of the man some think he is he would at least spend his own money for his cause instead of everyone else’s.

The warmongers are constantly spewing hatred towards Putin. That only serves to escalate the tension. The only way to de-escalate the situation is to listen to and consider Putin’s concerns and try to negotiate something that everyone can live with. Both sides have valid concerns despite the narrative that only one side needs to do better. It would not be constructive for Trump to spew hatred for Putin if he wants to reach a peace agreement.

It’s been said that war is a bunch of young people who do not know nor hate each other fighting and killing each other because old men that do know and hate each other require them to.

There is a lot of truth in that statement. There are a lot of old men filled with hatred gambling with the lives of the younger generation.
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