Central ND | Mitchco - 3/9/2025 15:25
It's been going on like that since at least the industrial revolution and longer. When I was a teenager there were a few sons and daughters of farmers I knew in school. Several more that thought they were farmers because their dad owned 20 acres, but rented it to someone who did farm. I can think of a few of them today that have some connection to farming, but have a full time off farm job. I never wanted to do anything but farm until I was about 32. I'm still at the farm everyday as well as have a full time job at 59.
I have 1 son, 34 working as a paramedic and teacher that has little interest in the farm. Some days he's all Gung-ho wanting to fix this and do that, the next day I can't get him to even come over. I constantly ask him what he would do if my brother and I suddenly 1 day we are gone or can't work, what would be do? His answer, I'll figure it out. I raised 2 other kids of my wife's that want nothing to do with the farm either.
Like I said, it's been going on for a long time. How many farmers were there 100 years ago compared to today? If every farmer had 1 son that stayed farming, there would be that many farming today, and the average farm size would be????? There wouldn't be any BTOs.
I guess that depends how you look at it? How many of these 'bto' operations are family farms? 2-3-4 brothers? Maybe a couple brothers that each have 1-2 kids farming too? All of a sudden they aren't such a 'bto' |