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The post about our ages below .
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Posted 3/9/2025 22:01 (#11140431 - in reply to #11140271)
Subject: RE: The post about our ages below .

Tomcat - 3/9/2025 19:57

tommyw-5088 - 3/9/2025 12:57 I have been heating that the average farmer is getting up in age , at 58 I am myself . Lots of have no one interested in following. These younger fellows can just make so much money . They are not really Intrested in the hours we work for what we make .

Who says it’s all about the money?  

I make decent money at my off farm job.   Could redo some of my credentials and make nearly $3 an hour more but it’s not worth the he!! if I’m my credentials are expired to run the other end of the plant they can’t force me to run it that’s a bonus.   I could work more overtime but try be a 40 and out person.  I do what I need to for my immediate area I have zero desire to work in other processes.  

The compensation package is decent and the work itself mostly enjoyable dealing with the corporate BS is mind blowing.   I’ve wanted to farm since I was in early grade school that’s where my heart is.   Under the current system in 79 months I can badge out as a retiree it will be hard to stay after that.   My point is no matter how enticing they try to make the carrot on the stick if your heart isn’t there it isn’t fun. 

Son likes farming , but said he wanted to be a firefighter since he knew what one was . He will absolutely buy some land and have a few cows . I know where his passion really is and it’s not farming . It might be a second and a close one at that . Wants to be a BC sometime . I’ll bet he does . He will at some time inherit my stuff and be set up to succeed .
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