Chesley, Ontario | The symptoms you show are typical of N deficiency. Both N and K proceed up from the bottom of the plant, but potash extends from the tip down the margins of the leaf ( pOtash = Outside), while nitrogen deficiency extends down the midrib of the leaf (nItrogen = Inside).
Ed is correct that a tissue test will confirm the diagnosis from visual symptoms.
The real question is whether the N deficiency is severe enough to affect yield. N is mobile in the plant, so it is moving from the lower leaves (that aren't doing much anyway) and being translocated to the upper leaves and the cob. Losing a few leaves at the bottom of the plant will have zero impact on yield, but if it extends upwards towards the ear, the I would worry. I do know that corn that remains dark green to the bottom all season has received far more N than it needed for maximum profit.
Keith | |