SE PA | Jay,
I don't think you'll be inpressed. We have a 7302 (the side-delivery version, also does single rows) and we added a 216 to the line-up to *just* rake alfalfa. I like the way the 216 moves the hay in, and leaves a lot of stems pointing outward.... The Kuhn will work, but the rotary will tend to make little 'piles' of hay each time an arm delivers it's load of hay. If you rake with any amount of moisture, it will make a tighter roll than your 216, and I think it was Mike in idaho (?) that said he didn't like how a rotary rake 'drags' the hay across the ground as it goes to the roll.
I like the kuhn machinery - heavier built than a lot of the other stuff I've seen on lots here, and over the years we've had 0 (zero) downtime on 2 tedders and 3 rakes, cept for flat tires......
Rodney | |