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Sticky Mapdot

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Frozen    Forums List -> FAQ & SupportMessage format
Posted 12/11/2013 11:12 (#3509845)
Subject: Mapdot

Eastern Ontario

Create a Mapdot for your AgTalk profile


A Mapdot is another name for Avatar. An avatar is an image of your online character. On AgTalk, users have adopted Mapdots instead of Avatars. The reason for this is that instead of having an image of a character, users thought that a tiny map with a dot showing their location would be more practical. Other users immediately know where the person is from and can relate the comment to the geographical area of the author.

Follow the instructions below to create your own Mapdot.


List of Maps


CountryLink to maps
 North America
Central America
 South America
 New Zealand

 ***For additional maps visit


Loading the Map

  1. Above is a list of maps which can be used for your mapdot.
  2. Find the one pertaining to your location
  3. Hover over the link so that it highlights itself.
  4. Right click and choose copy link location ( firefox users ) or Copy shortcut ( Internet Explorer users ).
  5. Go to
  6. Click on Open URL.
  7. Press the right mouse button while inside the long box.
  8. Choose paste
  9. Click on Open


Creating your Mapdot

  1. Click on Adjustment
  2. Click on Crop......Drag in the corners ( blue ) until the desired image is achieved. It's best to keep it fairly square. ...........Click Apply
  3. Click Doodle.....Select brush size ( 8 is good ) color ( red ).....Click once on the map at your location...(If you screwed up, use the Undo function at the top).....Click Apply
  4. Click Resize...Set "Keep Proportions" to 0 .....Set width to 100....set height to 100....Click Apply
  5. Click Save ( near top )...Set name to "Mapdot"...Click Save.....Choose a location for  the file to be downloaded to ( Choose Desktop )....Click Save
  6. Done


Putting the mapdot into your NAT profile

  1. Log into AgTalk if you're not already.
  2. Click on the Control Panel link once you are back on the Main Forums page.
  3. Scroll down to locate the box called Upload Mapdot.
  4. Click on Browse
  5. A small popup will appear.
  6. Locate the mapdot file on your computer ( desktop ).
  7. Click on it and then click Open
  8. The file location will now be in the Upload Mapdot Box.
  9. Click Go.
  10. If the upload was successful, you will see your mapdot image imediately below the Set Mapdot URL box.
  11. Hit Submit at the bottom of the page.
  12. Your Mapdot is now up and running. You're Done.

Congratulations on your new Mapdot.



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  • Mapdot [Frozen] - Clay-All-Over : 12/11/2013 11:12

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