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Posted 4/12/2024 18:33 (#10704539 - in reply to #10704334)
Subject: RE: Jobs

Nw Iowa
The other issue is where are they coming up with these stats? It was interesting as I read a article today how FBI reports crime. They are showing a decrease in crime while states post a increase. I am doing this from memory but believe FBI reported Pennsylvania down 7% as a state and Pennsylvania state stats show crime went up 13% in same period. So is crime up or down? The Dems are running around saying crime down backed up by the FBI who does this based on statistical analysis and State does it by actual numbers. So who is right? Would seem like actual numbers would be more correct? Jobs report has become completely unreliable as they are constantly updating previous months estimate. Most of time quite massively.
We need healthcare workers, w e need less rules and regulations which hire people on both sides to create more paper work. This does not make country more productive, it just employs more people. Sam Walton was always very concerned about creating a new position. It has been awhile since I read his book but I believe his comment was something along the lines that you would start with one new position and end up with a whole floor of people keeping busy. It is same in government, new hiring to regulate new rules, but old agency regulating old rules are left in place also. Government needs a housecleaning but government has gotten so big and deep that it is beyond any one administration to clean house. This seems beyond comprehension of liberals.
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